We use Telegram for our STS Stock Picks because of its convenience, speed and security. So the very first thing you will need to do is to download Telegram.
iPhone Download: iOS app
Android Download: Android app
PC, Mac, Linux: Desktop app
Once you download Telegram, create a free telegram account (if you don't have one).
Then from here, click this link: https://t.me/stsstockpicksbot and allow it to open your Telegram app.
Telegram will then open a channel. Click "Start Bot" or "Restart Bot" at the bottom of the SOS Live channel:
You will then see the selection panel in Telegram. You have the choice of a monthly plan or annual plan. Select the plan that is right for you.
Select "credit/Debit Card" then select "Subscribe" and complete your transaction.
There are several channels to join. You must click and join each separate channel that you would like to join. You don’t have to join all channels, but you do have access to all of them with your subscription.
For Errors:
You may receive an error during the selection process due to the channel link resetting.
Just wait a moment and try again.
If it still does not allow you to join the channels, delete the STS Stock Picks channel in Telegram, click on this link: https://t.me/stsstockpicksbot and try again.
Once you have completed the channel and group selection process, confirm that you have the group and channels in your telegram app.
You may "Pin" up to five channels to the top of the telegram app for easy access.
If you have any questions or are having trouble accessing the channels or group, reach out to us directly at [email protected] and we’ll help you!
50% Complete
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